• Cultuurdouche !?



  • Welcome @ Fontys TBK / IE&M

    A Dutch and English welcome message...

  • Welcome to the introduction to Fontys
    Technische Bedrijfskunde / industrial engineering & management​


    This is your first assignment for the study, for which you can obtain a full EC (European Credit).


    The duration of the cultuurdouche is a full week, where you'll be working in learning groups of about 5 people.


    The program is hybrid (physical & virtual), you'll meet your other group members, teachers & also experts from a wide range of companies.


    Your appraisel is based on your group work and an individual reflection.


    On behalf of all the teachers & tutors at Fontys TBK / IEM... Good luck!



    Let's dive in ! 













  • What ?!

    What is the TBK cultuurdouche (IEM culture shower) all about?

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    Cultuurdouche / Culture shower

    What is it about?

    A metaphor for an immersion, get to know Industrial Engineering & Management: the work, the study and the world; by experiencing and researching (by) yourself.


    It's your transformation from pupil to student!


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    The goal is to enable students to:​

    1. create their own view & understanding of IE&M / TBK

    2. work in teams

    3. learn to deal with uncertainty and infuse curiosity

    4. creatively (re)imagine & transfer insights to others

    5. reflect individually on what they’ve learned


    And in the meanwhile using 'The Martian' movie as metaphor, create an IE&M / TBK Expo, deal with curiosity, excitement and maybe a little frustration but most of all have fun! 😀


    Get organised!


    It's all in the details,

    read & discuss the materials



  • Links & materials

    Click the pictures to access the materials

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    Study overview NL

    The year in one view

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    Study overview IE&M

    The year in one view

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    Canvas NL

    Voor een beeld van Project 1

    En ook om je fietsverslag in te uploaden!

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    Canvas IE&M

    For an idea of Project 1

    And also for uploading your bike tour notes!

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    De Bedrijvenfiets tour


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    The Business Park Tour


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    Overview business parks region Einhoven

    Use this to select your business park

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    The slides 🇬🇧


  • The Assignment 🇬🇧 🎯

    Group assignment (50% evaluation)


    • Research a company (from your company tour)
    • Focus on their business: product, process, market positioning, organisational structure, partnerships, sustainability, data, production, safety, society, personnel, logistics, robotics, ...
    • Define the biggest (MOTE) challenge for this company (and see if you can make improvement suggestions)
    • Present your company, challenge & advice in a creative way at the TBK / IEM EXPO


    Personal reflection & assessment (50% evaluation)

    • Write -during this week- your reflection in a logbook (for yourself).
    • Use this as input for:

    - Or: Make a wonderful mind map on A3/A2

    - Or: Make an amazing 2-5 minute video

    with your personal learnings from this culture shower




    By going through this process, you will figure out your own answer to the question:

    What is industrial engineering & management?


    By working -as team- through your case and presenting your concept during the expo.

    And finally reflecting on this proces / experience (!) yourself!


    De opdracht 🇳🇱 🎯

    Groepsopdracht (50% beoordeling)


    • Doe onderzoek naar een van de bedrijven van de fietstoer
    • Focus op de activiteiten van het bedrijf: product, proces, marktpositionering, organisatiestructuur, partnerships, duurzaamheid, data, productie, veiligheid, maatschappij, personeel, logistiek, robotica, …
    • Wat is de grootste (MOTE) uitdaging van dit bedrijf? En waar zien jullie eventuele verbeteringen?
    • Presenteer jullie bedrijf, uitdaging & advies op een creatieve manier op de TBK EXPO


    Individuele opdracht: Persoonlijke reflectie (50% beoordeling)

    • Houd gedurende de week een verslag bij middels een logboek (dat doe je voor jezelf)
    • En gebruik dat voor het maken van:

    - Of: Maak een mooie mind map op A3/A2

    - Of: Maak een geweldige 2-5 minuten video

    met jouw persoonlijke lering van deze cultuurdouche





    Door samen door dit proces te gaan, zul je je eigen antwoord vinden op de vraag:

    Wat is Technische Bedrijfskunde?


    Door samen te werken aan jullie case en jullie concept te presenteren op de expo.

    En om dan uiteindelijk zelf op dit proces / deze ervaring (!) te reflecteren.




    Let's do this! 













  • Fontys Technische Bedrijfskunde - introductie film (Sorry, Dutch only... yet cool images) !

  • Teamwork !


    You'll be working together -in learning teams- to create a:

    Expo of Industrial Engineering & Management


    Which answers the question:

    What is Industrial Engineering & Management?



    During this process we provide you with various inputs:

    this website, a company visit, (virtual) classes, interviews with experts & more...


    It's your job to find (read: create) your way together !


    When you have a question, follow these steps:

    1) First ask yourself (again)

    2) Then ask your team mates

    3) Google it! Or visit this website

    4) Ask a teacher


    ' Alone I go faster.

    together we go further... '


  • Learn different things from different companies & make metaphors at different levels:



    Products / Services

    Processes / Flows

    Business Models



    Team Work





  • TBK / IEM focusses on a helicopter view of organisations & systems, using the MOTE-model:




    Mens/Mileu - Organisatie - Techniek - Economie (- Logistiek)



    Manpower - Organisation - Technology - Economy (- Logistics)


  • The interviews ! 🎤


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    Do your research! #nokidding

  • Business Park Tour...

    Try to get an appointment & guided tour...

  • Question tips!

    Can you ask better questions?


    Check out this good outline by Michael Hyatt: '20 questions to ask leaders'.


  • Company insights...

    introduction videos relevant for TBK & IEM

    DAF Trucks

    Working as a production engineer

    Philips: HTC

    Inside the High Tech Campus

    VDL: intro (NL)

    Werken bij VDL

    Signify: Development

    Working as a development engineer

    Brainport: connect

    The Brainport eco-system

    i-Team Global

    A very special cleaning company with a cool experience center

  • CollegeTour

    In-depth interviews with Business Leaders (Q&A and reflection)

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    Davy van Iersel​ - Fujitsu (🇳🇱)

    Oud TBK student, nu managing director.

    Reed Hastings - Netflix (🇬🇧)

    10 rules for success

  • Your reflection

    This is your learning, you need to capture it! Your grade will be based your efforts during the week and based on the quality of your mind map or video. 


    Log book 📙 


    Keep a physical log book of your experiences.


    Make notes on crucial information and your own reflection.


    So NOT WHAT you did, yet HOW you experienced things.

    What was your attitude/reaction and what changed in your thinking?


    How did you perform? How did you fulfil your role, changed in your mind / behaviour?


    What amazed you? What frustrated you?

    What did you like / love?

    Who inspired you?



    Your most important learnings / take-aways / insights?!


    IEM Expo 👩‍🎨

    (group work)

    Create an Expo of Industrial Engineering & Management.


    Together with your group -based on your case- you investigate what IE&M is all about.


    You will create an expo piece outlining your idea / concept / direction / solution.


    Your expo piece shows your deeper understanding of IE&M.


    So, use an IEM model for your analysis.


    Be creative! Your expo piece can be a physical installation, or digital like a video, a game, whatever...


    Make sure you amaze us (teachers & other groups... and yourself)!


    Mind map or video 🎨 🎥 (individual)

    Create a beautiful mind map or video (individual).


    Capture your personal reflection in a mind map or 2" video.


    Theme: your individual insights & learnings from the cultuurdouche.


    Check back on your logbook to see your notes & reflections.


    Make a draft mind map (see: how to make a mind map) and only then the final one. A mind map is also a very good basis for a cool & interesting video!


    Put effort in the design and quality of describing & showing your reflection.


    Submit your mind map or (hidden) video link in the Fontys Gradework system.


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    Personal reflection

    Answer at least 8 of the questions below in your mind map or video:


    How do I look back on the week?

    Which moments made a key impression on me this week?

    Which other questions should I have asked?

    Did I sufficiently challenge myself ?

    How do Mark Watney and I relate?

    How satisfied am I with our expo presentation?

    What could our team have done better?

    When did we start to work together as a team?

    What did I learn about myself through the teamwork?

    What did I learn from the expo (from other groups)?

    Which occurrence led to a better understanding of Industrial Engineering and Management for me?

    What should I do differently next time?

    How do I deal with uncertainty?

    What sparks my curiosity?

    Which expert did I like most? And why?

    How has my thinking changed?

    My main insight is…



    Beautiful mind maps



    These example(!) mind maps have DIFFERENT SUBJECTS...

    this is NOT your focus for this Culture Shower...

    So copy & paste is a bad strategy here... ;-)


  • Mind map ?!

    Check here for guidelines. Note: a mind map is a great start for your video...

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    The mind map



    Your individual insights & learnings from the cultuurdouche.


    To pass the requirements for your INDIVIDUAL mindmap, we grade these aspects:

    1. is created using a large white A3 or A2 sheet (don’t use taped A4 sheets)
    2. must be drawn by hand and colourful, containing drawings and not just text
    3. answers at least 5 of the reflection questions (see below)
    4. has 6 or more branches, multiple information layers, so use main lines and details
    5. has a minimum of 350 words! So write paragraphs (not just keywords)!

    Make a few draft designs... only then your final full color & hand drawn picture powered mind map!


    So... NO M.O.T.E. yet focus on YOUR EXPERIENCE, YOUR INSIGHTS, YOUR (META) TAKE-AWAYS from this week...!


    Submit in Gradework!

  • Example Mind Maps

    The good, the bad & the beautiful...



    These example mind maps have DIFFERENT SUBJECTS... this is NOT your focus for this Culture Shower.

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    Above mind map is really good


    enough text, images, hand drawn, color use....

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    Above mind map is really nice


    not enough text, yet images, hand drawn, color use.... beautiful!

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    Above mind map is insufficient


    not enough text (just general keywords), no drawings, no insights, ...















    Take time to reflect


  • Good luck!

    And when you get really stuck...

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    When stuck... start by asking:

    1. Yourself
    2. Your team mates
    3. Google
    4. Teachers / tutors

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    Technical Problems ?!

    Whatthe*(&(*)(%(!@ !

    If you run into a technical problem, please contact the Fontys Helpdesk

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    Only if you are in 'real' trouble...


    Ramon Vullings

    email: ramon.vullings@fontys.nl

    mobile: +32496234007

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    Credits / Cause ?!

    This a Fontys Technische Bedrijfskunde (TBK) Production

    The culture shower / cultuurdouche is the content (not beer 🍻) based introduction to Fontys Industrial Engineering & Management / Fontys Technische Bedrijfskunde: fontys.nl/fhBEnT


    Designed and facilitated by Ramon Vullings, Annet Goltstein powered by the whole Fontys TBK / IE&M team and based on the original design and thinking by Hans Kokhuis.